An app offering a seamless tea shopping experience with thousands of signature blends, in-house designed accessories, and inclusive how-to guides. A beautifully crafted interface tailored for tea lovers.
User Experience
Diverse Selection
Special Offers
User Loyalty
Seamless Transactions
A virtual guide
The goal wasn’t to mirror the website. Instead, for this feature, the idea is to incorporate a virtual tea guide that helps match customer preferences to their ideal products, creating a more personalized and engaging shopping experience.
Tea Guide User Flow
Project Framework
User-centered approach to problem-solving that includes activities like research, prototyping, and testing to help us understand who user is, what their problems are, and what design should include.
Product Knowledge
Education about the product is crucial for customers, enhancing their experience and helping them make informed choices. Customers can select tea by categories like type, benefits, or best sellers, allowing them to find the perfect match easily.
Style Guide
Typography, colours, icons, and illustrations are thoughtfully chosen to create a cohesive, engaging, and intuitive user experience, enhancing both functionality and aesthetic appeal throughout the design.